Divorce Mediation Attorney in Chico, California
Mediation is an Alternative to Expensive, High-Conflict Divorces
Providing a Way to Transition from Marriage to Post-Divorce
I am a trained family law mediator, who can assist you and your spouse in coming up with a resolution that fits your needs.
Many people who come through a divorce, find that in addition to the high costs, and grief over the marriage ending, they feel a complete lack of control in the process. Things are divided a certain way and decided a certain way, by someone who knows very little about you or what is important to you.
What if you and your spouse could decide what 'equitable division' looks like to you. What if you and your spouse could decide how shared custody fits your family? You can through divorce mediation.
As a mediation attorney that has served Chico, California and the surrounding communities for years, I can help you seek an amicable conclusion to your marriage. Rather than representing one spouse, I will act as a third-party neutral that works with both spouses to help them reach agreements on various matters like child custody, child support, alimony, distribution of property, and much more.
Schedule a Free Mediation Process Appointment, So Everyone Can Decide if it's a Good Fit
Mediation through our office includes the drafting of the necessary documents to begin and continue divorce proceedings, and once we have reached all agreements, the drafting of the Marital Settlement Agreement (dissolution) or Marital Separation Agreement (legal separation) and the drafting of the Judgment package in order to finalize the divorce.
If you would like more information about beginning the mediation process or scheduling a mediation process appointment you can schedule a free consultation by calling or filling out the simple form below.
The Law Office of Keya C. Brown is located in downtown Chico, California. My office serves mediation clients in all of Butte County.